Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sleep Apnea - The Brain Needs Oxygen

I remember taking psychology the foundations in college. In that course it tought about the affects of alcohol. Their goal was simply a scare tactic to prevent people from  drinking alcohol. Their strategy was to use a simple fact...the brain needs oxygen. They taught that when you drink alcohol it blocks oxygen to the brain therefore killing off brain cells. It has always been my theory based on psycology that sleep apnea causes brain cells to die.

If you want to learn more about the brain visit Disabled-World.com. They will show important facts about the brain. One of their facts is that the brain needs about 20% of your body's oxygen. Keep your brain healthy because it regulates human activity.

Here a few others sites that offer inforamtion about the brain:



Living healthy lives is the only way we can function at the top of our game. Keeping our brain as healthy as we can will give us better days and lesser frustrations. Any loss of oxygen affects the brain in some way or another and must be dealt with before it grows into worse symptoms. The brain affects behavioral health and any damage to the brain so keep it healthy!